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RuthForeverhealth MealGarden Recipe Membership Portal : FAQ

Q What is the recipe wellness portal and what does it offer?

Read More Here

Q Can I take a look at homepage MealGarden before purchasing?

Yes, check out the MealGarden homepage

Q How much does your membership subscription cost?

One year £177  Every Four months 77.7

Q How can the portal benefits someone who is already eating healthy and active?

Even for individuals who are already healthy and active, the portal offers a range of benefits. It provides a diverse collection of nutritious recipes that can add variety to their  existing fitness or  meal-plan. Additionally, the programs and specialised  blog content can help to elevate their knowledge and skills in the kitchen, further enhancing their overall wellness journey.

Q What resources are available for someone who is not into fitness and has  limited cooking skills?

The portal caters to individuals with varying levels of cooking skills and fitness interest. For those who are not into fitness, there are programs and resources available that focus on general well-being and healthy eating habits rather than intense workouts.

Similarly, for individual with limited cooking skills there are beginners -friendly recipes, videos tutorials, and tips to help build confidence in the kitchen.

Q Is there a chat system available for members to communicate with you?

Yes you can communicate through your portal with me.

Q Can I view nutritional information for the recipes on the portal.


Q Can I track my progress or goals on the recipe wellness portal?

Yes through your goal sheets within your portal.

Additional Information/Resources