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Get your body back to normality today!


The world we live in today is filled with many pollutants and irritants that can make our lives harder to live. If you are someone who is aware of the impact of heavy mental and environmental toxins on our body, then Clean Slate can be just the solution you need!

Designed to help rid your body of the toxins and pollutants that are at large in our environment, Clean Slate makes it easy for you to return to a more natural state. 

What is Clean Slate?

Clean Slate is a patent-pending solution designed to help provide a formula that cleanses our body of environmental irritations, pollutions, and heavy metals. Given their prevalence in our society today, this can be a vital way to clean-up your body and make sure you are healthy for the days ahead.

By using this simple to use formula, you can look forward to living a cleaner, healthier life. Get your body back to a full ‘clean slate’ free from the irritations and pollutants that could limit your quality of life. Enjoy this BSCG Certified Drug Free® product, and know that you are taking a supplement that is free from synthetic additions and chemical creations. 

What are the Benefits of Clean Slate?

Remove toxins and heavy metals from your system. By giving you a safe and natural way to clean your body of toxins, Clean Slate works passively to quietly remove these irritants ASAP.

Tackle the root cause of your inflammation and irritation. Many of the issues our bodies suffer from regarding inflammation are reactions to our environment; Clean Slate changes that.

Make space for nutrition, minerals, and more. By cleansing the nutrition blocking toxins, you make sure that your body can take in the maximum benefits from all nutrients and minerals. 

Get your body back to its optimum condition by starting with a clean slate. If you intend to improve your life quality, you need to first remove the negative foundations. With Clean Slate, you can make quick work of toxins, pollutants, and heavy metals. This makes getting fitter, healthier, and stronger so much easier – so let Clean Slate bring you back to normality quickly and easily!

The Rootbrands CleanSlate Personal Outcomes

Asthmatic Cough attacks 

CleanSlate: Asthmatic Cough attacks 

I thought I will share our testimonials. Me and my partner taking clean slate already for sometime. I did not feel a lot of difference as I am trying go keep healthy for years, but love to look after myself and make sure my body is healthy. Suddenly, last week in the heat, u hot very cold in air con office and I had a very bad tonsillitis,  and my partner got as well very bad cold. We both were struggling with sore throat and cough. All week I did I was taking double dose of clean slate, zero-in and restore. My partner had cough attacks as he is asthmatic and especially at night, so I suggested him to rub in some clean slate into his chest and believe me he was sleeping over night without waking up with cough. It was a nasty cold and we both did not take any medication, I only used CleanSlate, which I  rubbed  into his  chest. 😀


Root Personal Experience From Derrick

Knee Joint Pain

Good evening all the beginning of last week I started a fast with a few church friends I’ve been taking the root brands  products for about a year however not as I should have bit on and off so as I said last week I followed it seriously and by the end of the week my knees and joints where a lot better for me I believe it was a combination of less as possible intake of acid forming foods and the root products so praise god! 

Personal experience Preventive Health and Energy  

Hi All, 

I been using root products for a while.  Been getting  good results. I mainly use clean slate to be honest but occasionally will have a course of Restore and Zero In. 

One of the reasons I was interested in this forum was to find out if anyone had any experience with Autism. 

Testimonial CleanSlate : Autism

I did see a few testimonials a while back, so I really wanted my sister to introduce it to my nephew who is 4 years old and suffers from Autism.

My nephew was a normal happy, alert and bright baby, all changed when he had his MMR jab. He suddenly became clingy and seemed to of gone backwards quite a lot in terms of speech development and responding to his name. The timing all made sense this jab had caused this child serious harm.

Anyway I decided to purchase a bottle of clean slate for my mum, but told her to try her grandson on 1-2 drops a day to see if they noticed any difference. A few days ago, I was having a conversation and my mum said, there is a significant difference in the child over last month since he has been having his drops each day. Sentences are so much better and they are able to understand him. The CleanSlate is defiantly having a positive effect on him.

It will be work in progress and changes will take a lot of work, but I’m hopeful this child can have a better outlook on his future. 🙏🏾

Personal Outcome  Uricaria  Hives Skin Challenges   

Hi Ruth  just wanted to check in and repeat my thanks and appreciation for introducing the Clean Slate into my life which has made such a difference as you could see from the pictorial before and after  evidence…skin on the back of my hands are feeling like satin which after having having dealt with the erupting fiery red open sores all over body and frequent attacks of Urticaria the feeling of inner calm has remained also think the Restore is responsible for that and relive greens and Zero-in prolong and sustain energy wise all that I can pack in for one day…so thanks again pal🙏🏼😘

Personal Outcome Cholesterol Blood Sugar  

Product used  CleanSlate

Ruth  introduced me thankfully to CleanSlate. I have been taking it for nearly a year now, in fact since last September.  I had some blood work done the other day at my surgery. A week later, I received a phone call from my nurse with my results.I was expecting to hear the worse, but I could not have been further from the truth! She had called to say that my cholesterol had gone down and so had my blood sugar. I also have more energy and I’m also sleeping a lot better. So CleanSlate is really working and I’m so grateful for it. 

Thanks again you and your friend,  have always had my back  introducing me to new healthy alternatives that have helped me.  You’ve  won hands down with this one CleanSlate drops!😀


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